
I decided to launch “Who is Tamu Taylor” with my attendance at the 2020 Microsoft Ignite Conference.
I attended my first Ignite conference last year and loved it! There was so much to learn, so many people to meet and connect with. I don’t know why I didn’t attend sooner. Well, I know why I didn’t (funds, training “budgets” did not allow, you know how it is).
I decided after Ignite 2019 to attend Ignite 2020 whether my employer paid or not. Then of course COVID-19 hit and Microsoft did as everyone else who were hosting events pre-COVID-19 — went virtual.

I consider myself a techie, but I don’t believe I know everything there is to know. It changes so fast and I don’t want to be a Jill-of-all-trades mastering none of them.
I use Microsoft products heavily in my work life, but I do not limit myself to one technology/vendor. But, I mainly work with Microsoft 365, specifically SharePoint Online and the Power Platform.

I call myself a “Team of One” because what I do at my job, no one else does. At last year’s Ignite, I saw several Teams of One and it made me feel a little better.

This is one of the reasons for this blog. My internal customers stretch me with the ideas they want me to implement and I spend some days sketching out how I’m going to make it happen for them, researching if it has been done before and tweaking what I find or mostly just figuring it out myself. I decided to create a space where I can categorize and share my pitfalls and successes and have a place I can go to as my personal reference, hoping it helps someone as so many of the tech blogs have helped me.

Ignite was very informative – so many things I want tackle that are rolling out.
That includes: the new features of Teams, SharePoint Syntex, Project Nucleus and Project Cortex, just to name a few.